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[Paper Nano] Leaning Tower of Pisa

Writer's picture: SAK-SOONSAK-SOON

Updated: Feb 23, 2020

I've been super busy for the past 2 weeks.

I had to work alllllllllllll dayyyyyyyy and I didn't get a chance to make stuff.

Plus, I wasn't home mostly...


Anyways, this post is about the Leaning Tower of Pisa which I did a while ago.

본인은 요 2주간 매우 바빴음.

본인은 하루종일 일을 해야했기땜 아무것도 하지 못함.

그리고 집에 있는 시간이 거의 없었음..


좀 오래전에 만든 피사의 사탑에 대해 보스팅을 할까함.

The box says its difficulty level is three stars out of five, which means it's pretty easier than what I've done so far.

Well, the instruction was easier...


it was sooo difficult to assemble them.

I got frustrated from the beginning because it was hard to put pieces together.

They don't fit each other!! D:<

박스엔 분명 별 세개였음. 다른것보다 쉽다는 뜻임.

설명서도 쉬워보였음..


조립하는게 엄청 힘들었음 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

처음 시작할때부터 안습이었음 ;ㅁ;

막 그냥 막 안맞고 막 그랬음.

Well, I finished it anyway.

There's nothing I can't do out there.

My almighty hands can do anything.

뭐, 완성은 함.

세상엔 본인이 못하는것이 없음.


이 어마어마한 손이 함께라면 뭐든지 해낼 수 있음.

It's beautiful!!!


Here is the process shot.

만드는 과정.

Since yesterday,

a huge snowstorm was hitting where I live.

I took this picture at around 2am and look how bright outside!

Light from the moon was reflecting on the snow!!


어제부터 눈이 엄청 옴.

새벽 2시에 사진찍었는데

밖에 환한것좀 보셈.

달빛이 눈에 반사된거임.


This picture was taken at 2pm, when I got up from the bed lol.

낮 2시에 찍은 사진.

내가 잠에서 일어난 시간.

It was snowing overnight.

And it continued till tonight!!

밤새 눈이 왔었음.

오늘 밤까지도 계속 왔음!!

And here are some pictures I took at 8pm.

8시에 찍은 사진.


so much snow lol.

While it was snowing,

I cooked some Korean food.

These are PERFECT for a snowy winter day xD!

본인은 눈이 오는동안 먹을것을 만듬.

눈이오는날엔 호떡이 최고지!

And my family enjoyed my food!

가족이 본인이 만든 음식 맛나게 먹어줌.


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