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Writer's picture: SAK-SOONSAK-SOON

Updated: Feb 23, 2020

I made Sadness from 'Inside Out' for fun !!

I haven't done any needle felting over 6years but it came out very nicely xD!

인사이드아웃에 나오는 슬픔을 만들어봄.

니들펠트를 안한지 어언 6년..

하지만 매우 잘 만들어졌지!

That shirt is supposed to be white, but I have no idea why it shows vanilla color on the camera ~_~..

하얀색으로 옷을 만들었는데 카메라엔 왜 노랗게 나오는지 모르겠음.

Sad background for Sadness . . .

슬픔을 위한 슬픈배경화면..

She's about to cry D;

울기 직전임ㅠ

And here is the process video!



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