I heard the SnakShak(the hamster house I've been using) is really harmful for hamsters,
so I decided to build a house for my hammy.
Check out the process video at the bottom!
I totally forgot to take a picture because I was busy recording it lol.

This took me a longggg time Dx
However, I felt so great after I finish making it!
Here is the process video!

This is the owner of the pineapple house, Taco.

It looks super awesome in the cage!!

Took a picture in front of the new house xD!

Take pictures of me! I'm more important! -says Taco

Took a picture next to the house

Striking pose

Last but not least, took a pic to celebrate for getting a new house!
Here are links to art supplies where I got :
Clay - https://goo.gl/T1HGVB
Paint - https://goo.gl/ctfrxt
Gesso - https://goo.gl/enrKvx
Acrylic Varnish - https://goo.gl/inp8Pe
Epoxy - https://goo.gl/mD7WVe